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Our Team

Meet the experienced and friendly doctor and staff who make Artesia I Care Optometry a proud provider of vision care products and services.

Group staff photo

Bryan Imoto, O.D.

Photo of Dr. Bryan ImotoDr. Bryan Imoto completed his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of California, Irvine, and went on to obtain his Doctor of Optometry degree from the Southern California College of Optometry. Inspired at a young age by his father’s work, Dr. Bryan Imoto always had his eye set on studying Optometry. He saw firsthand how focused his father was on family: the ones at home, and the family of patients and staff at the office. It was a life he wanted not only for himself, but he believes it is a level of care and commitment that our communities need.

In 2012, his dream became a reality when Dr. Bryan Imoto joined the practice, working alongside Dr. Ken Imoto. Today, he continues what his father started, a practice focused around family and dedicated to quality care in the community. He provides comprehensive examinations to patients of all ages and backgrounds, greeting new patients and long-time patients alike with a smile.

When he is not in the office, Dr. Bryan Imoto spends every minute with his three kids and amazing wife, Julie. Together, they all welcome you to the Artesia I Care Optometry family.

Lori, Optician

Photo of LoriLori began working in eye care with the Imoto Family in 2003. Over the years she has gotten to know many of the patients and especially enjoys catching up during the yearly exams. When it comes to eyewear she recommends trying something new and loves to accessorize with new glasses.

Lori’s favorite meal is brunch and she is always interested in hearing about the latest places and sharing some favorite spots to eat.

Alex, Optician

Fluent in Spanish

Photo of AlexIn 2021, Alex joined the team at Artesia I Care Optometry. She loves that everyone here is a family; she enjoys listening to all the patients’ stories from the first time they come in as a patient, to bringing their kids and grandchildren. Her personal eye care tip is to use sun protection, and she recommends having a good pair of polarized lenses.

Away from the office Alex spends her time with her family; summers are her favorite, especially when they can spend all day at the beach together.

Ken Imoto, O.D.

Retired 2020

Dr. Ken Imoto graduated from the Southern California College of Optometry, and in 1974 went on to establish his practice. The foundation of Artesia I Care Optometry all started with Dr. Ken Imoto’s vision to serve the community, and create a family oriented place for quality eye care.

Since retired, he enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, and as always is side by side with his wife, Aki. In his free time he can still be found reeling in a fresh catch off the coast, or watching the ball game, but he still stops by from time to time to craft some lenses. He enjoys catching up with his long-time patients, so if you see him be sure to say hi!